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Kamis, 16 Januari 2014


Prepare this first:


Steps : 

Turn off your phone. Then go to download mode,to do this hold down Volume Down + Home button + Power button.

Continue holding until you see a warning screen (about 3 seconds) and then Hit Volume Up. Then, connect your Galaxy S2 to your computer. make sure that you connect it to pc with orginal usb cable that came you buy your mobile phone.

Unzip the ODIN files, but leave the kernel file as a .tar.

Open the ODIN.exe This will run the program. You should then see a yellow highlighted box with COM and a number in it.

Hit the "PDA" button. This should be in the checklist below the start button.

Choose the Jeboo Kernel.tar file you just downloaded

Hit "Start." The kernel should start flashing. Wait until you see the word "PASS!", then let your Galaxy S2 restart.

Assoon your moble phone reboot, plug-out your usb cable from your mobile phone.

Then copy or move the SuperSu that you have downloaded.

Now turn-off your mobile phone again.

hit the VolumeUp button + Home button + Power button, this will make you go to CWM RecoveryMod.

Choose "Install Zip." It should be the second option on the list.

Click "Choose zip from Internal sdcard." If you're transferring the zip over from your computer, choose "Choose zip from sdcard."

Find the Superuser file. You'll most likely find it in your downloads folder.

Choose "". This will install su binary and Superuser to your galazy S2.

Confirm by clicking "Yes" when prompted.

After you ready install it, choose reboot from the option.

Congratulation, now you are ready rooting your Samsung Galaxy S 2... 

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