Prepare this first:
Steps :
Turn off your phone. Then go to download mode,to do this hold down Volume Down + Home button + Power button.
Continue holding until you see a warning screen (about 3 seconds) and then Hit Volume Up. Then, connect your Galaxy S2 to your computer. make sure that you connect it to pc with orginal usb cable that came you buy your mobile phone.
Unzip the ODIN files, but leave the kernel file as a .tar.
Open the ODIN.exe This will run the program. You should then see a yellow highlighted box with COM and a number in it.
Hit the "PDA" button. This should be in the checklist below the start button.
Choose the Jeboo Kernel.tar file you just downloaded
Hit "Start." The kernel should start flashing. Wait until you see the word "PASS!", then let your Galaxy S2 restart.
Assoon your moble phone reboot, plug-out your usb cable from your mobile phone.
Then copy or move the SuperSu that you have downloaded.
Now turn-off your mobile phone again.
hit the VolumeUp button + Home button + Power button, this will make you go to CWM RecoveryMod.
Choose "Install Zip." It should be the second option on the list.
Click "Choose zip from Internal sdcard." If you're transferring the zip over from your computer, choose "Choose zip from sdcard."
Find the Superuser file. You'll most likely find it in your downloads folder.
Choose "". This will install su binary and Superuser to your galazy S2.
Confirm by clicking "Yes" when prompted.
After you ready install it, choose reboot from the option.
Congratulation, now you are ready rooting your Samsung Galaxy S 2...
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Kamis, 16 Januari 2014
pengertian, kelebihan serta kekurangan rooting pada HP android - kali ini ie-usa akan membagikan sedikit penjelasan mengenai Apakah Root dan Apa Kelebihan Serta kekurangannya? saat ini pengguna android sudah sangat menjamur, tercatat jutaan orang di dunia kini banyak yang memakai sistem operasi milik google ini.
pengertian, kelebihan serta kekurangan rooting pada HP android - kali ini ie-usa akan membagikan sedikit penjelasan mengenai Apakah Root dan Apa Kelebihan Serta kekurangannya? saat ini pengguna android sudah sangat menjamur, tercatat jutaan orang di dunia kini banyak yang memakai sistem operasi milik google ini.
Namun, walaupun demikian, ternyata banyak orang yang belum mengetahui
apakah root itu, padahal seharusnya pengguna HP android harus mengetahui
akan hal ini, dan banyak sekali orang-orang yang bertanya apakah root
itu dan bagaimana cara rooting hp android.
Disini saya tidak akan menjelaskan kepada anda tentang cara root HP
android, karena setiap merk, dan tipe HP memiliki cara root yang
berbeda-beda. Oleh karena itu, disini saya akan membagikan sedikit
pengetahuan tentang rooting mulai dari fungsi, kelebihan serta
kekurangannya. Hal ini bertujuan supaya sobat mengetahui apa saja yang
akan sobat dapatkan setelah hp android sobat di root sehingga sobat juga
telah tau mengenai konsekuensi yang didapat setelah hp android sobat di
root, yuk simak baik-baik.
Pengertian : Root adalah suatu system account yang memiliki
kekuasaan absolut untuk mengakses dan mengeksekusi semua file, command,
system, dalam sistem operasi berbasis linux (termasuk android). Intinya,
root ini punya akses tanpa batas yang bisa mengubah, menghapus,
menambah, bahkan merusak semua yang ada didalam sistem handphone kita.
Nge-root artinya nge-hack sistem handphone supaya kita (pemilik dan
pengguna HP) punya akses ke account root tersebut ,jadi kitalah yang
punya kekuasaan penuh pada HP android yang kita punya.
Fungsi : Fungsi root Android adalah untuk memberi hak penuh
kepada pengguna Android untuk dapat masuk ke sistem Android. Dengan
melakukan Root, pengguna dapat menambah, mengurangi maupun memodifikasi
file-file atau data-data yang terletak pada sistem Android yang bila
dalam keadaan standar (belum root) file-file tersebut tidak dapat di
akses. Bila dianalogikan sistem operasi komputer Windows, fungsi root
Android adalah memberikan hak administrator kepada pengguna.
Kelebihan HP android yang telah diRoot :
- Akses tak terbatas terhadap system Android
- Memindahkan instalasi aplikasi ke memory external sehingga memory internal tidak mudah penuh
- Bisa menghapus aplikasi-aplikasi bawaan vendor yang kurang penting sehingga bisa menghemat baterai dan mempercepat kinerja
- Dapat melakukan Backup aplikasi dan system sehingga ketika ingin melakukan install ulang atau reset pabrik kita tidak perlu mencari, mendownload lagi
- Bisa merubah tampilan melalui Instalasi custom ROM
- Bisa menambah kemampuan procesor dengan melakukan Overclock processor sehingga kinerja Ponsel manjadi lebih cepat
Kekurangan HP Android Yang Telah diRoot :
- Garansi HP hilanng : Semua vendor ponsel mengatakan bahwa HP android yang telah di root akan hilang masa garansinya, hal ini dikarenakan dengan kita telah me-root hp android kita, kita sudah mengotak-atik file system pada sebuah HP android sehingga vendor tidak mau bertanggung jawab apabila ada kerusakan HP android yang telah di root. Namun jangan khawatir, HP android yang sudah di root bisa kok dikembalikan dalam kondisi semula (unroot). Sehingga HP android masih memungkinkan untuk mendapatkan garansi kembali.
- Rentan terhadap Virus dan Malware : Untuk masalah ini sepertinya sobat juga harus tau, dan harus tetap waspada untuk tidak sembarangan menginstal program pada hp android sobat, dan jangan lupa untuk memasang antivirus yang dapat sobat instal dari google play seperti : avast, dll.
Jumat, 16 Agustus 2013
Download GTA V Full Compressed 1 MB
Download Grand Theft Auto V PC Game Full Download Free
Download PC Game Grand Theft Auto 5 Download Free
Download GTA 5 PC Free | Download GTA V PC Free
Grand Theft Auto V | GTA V | GTA 5
Genre: Action
Release Date: 7 September 2013
Developer: Rockstar Games
Publisher: Rockstar Games
Grand Theft Auto 5 Features:
1. The GTA 5 Map is Huge
This isn’t that much of a shock considering that the GTA 5 map is essentially as big as the GTA 4 and Red Dead Redemption maps combined. Factor in all the vehicles and beautiful looking scenery and there is no surprise the game requires a massive install on the Xbox 360 and PS3.
2. Pilots Apply for GTA 5 Takeoff
This isn’t the first time GTA lets players fly a plane, but in GTA 5 gamers will find a bigger selection of planes and helicopters. In the GTA 5 gameplay footage we also see a lot of planes in the multiplayer setting, including military planes.
3. GTA 5 Is Packed Full of Games
If you need a break from the violence and exploration of GTA 5, take a trip to a tennis court of golf course and relax. Rockstar shows off two mini games that let players get a fix of Virtual Tennis and Tiger Woods without leaving the game. No word on if there is a Rockstar Table Tennis game hidden away too.
4. Mission Planning Offers Choices
Forget the structured missions of GTA 4 and other open world games which too often force players to perform stupid actions to move the plot along. In GTA 5, gamers can pick how to pull off heists and missions. While there will be limits, the trailer shows that players can go smart and quiet or loud and violent.
5. Customize Cars and Clothes
In GTA 5 players can customize a lot. From the looks of the GTA 5 trailer, gamers that spent hours customizing cars in Need for Speed games will have something to love as the game lets users customize wheels, paint and more. Players can also pick out clothes for a custom look, rather than picking between a suit and track pants.
6. Destructible Environments Look Amazing
The GTA 5 gameplay video shows a wall crumbling when the trio of miscreants smash an armored car into it. GTA games already offer some destruction in the environment, but it looks like GTA 5 ups the game considerably.
7. GTA 5 Multiplayer Should Be Crazy Fun
Rockstar teases GTA 5 multiplayer in a few seconds of the gameplay footage, promising a better look soon. Based on the teaser, GTA 5 multiplayer looks like a massive world full of players driving, flying and causing havoc. We can’t wait to see how it turns out.
8. 3 Players Means Triple the Fun
GTA 5 comes with three main protagonists and while you can’t kill your co-conspirators, you can jump between them at will when not in a mission. This allows players to jump between lives and settings to explore and have fun in the shoes of various people. During missions, players can switch when needed, to aid the other players, pulling off mor complicated plots than before.
9. Splurge or Gamble With Your Cash
When you take your part of the heist home you can spend it on weed and tattoos or choose to buy real estate and stocks. Investments can pay off, offering more cash for your needs, or tank like in real life. Rockstar calls fast cars and tattoos the smart investments.
10. Scuba Diving Offers a Bigger World
Once you’ve explored everything topside, take a dive to explore the depths of GTA 5 in a wetsuit. We’re sure there will be a few missions that involve diving, but players should also be able to go exploring in the ocean.
11. GTA 5, Now With Hunting
That’s right, no need to by Cabela’s Most Dangerous Hunts to get your fix of hunting on the Xbox 360 or PS3. Players can head to the wilderness outside of Los Santos to hunt, and as the trailer teases be hunted. We see a deer, but expect to see more in the wilderness.
12. GTA 5 Includes a Submarine
This isn’t part of the gameplay trailer, but it’s worth pointing out that there is a small submarine in GTA 5. With a lot of water to explore, we can’t wait to take the sub out for a spin around the bay.
13. Driving No Longer Looks Like Mario Kart
The driving in GTA 5 is brand new, and from the gameplay footage it should be more enjoyable. Driving in GTA 4 is worse than Mario Kart with drifts and sloppy steering throughout, Rockstar claims things are better and the video shows spectacular driving.
14. Shooting and Picking Weapons Won’t Suck
Rockstar delivers a new way to pick your weapon in GTA 5 and new shooting mechanics that look fluid and fun, rather than clunky and frustrating. Gamers can quickly switch between weapons with a new menu option and shooting looks vastly improved.
15. Bounty Hunting Side Missions
In GTA 5 players can pick up extra cash playing bounty hunter. The trailer shows Trevor cashing in a bounty at a trailer home in the middle of a desert. This should deliver fun diversions from the main heists
Grand Theft Auto V Minimum System Requirements:
Operating System: Windows XP SP3 or Windows Vista SP1 or Windows 7 SP1
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.6 GHz or equivalent
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Video Card: 512MB Nvidia 7900 or 512MB ATI X1900
Hard Disk Space: 35 GB free space
DirectX: 10.0
Download PC Game Grand Theft Auto 5 Download Free
Download GTA 5 PC Free | Download GTA V PC Free
Grand Theft Auto V | GTA V | GTA 5
Genre: Action
Release Date: 7 September 2013
Developer: Rockstar Games
Publisher: Rockstar Games
Grand Theft Auto 5 Features:
1. The GTA 5 Map is Huge
This isn’t that much of a shock considering that the GTA 5 map is essentially as big as the GTA 4 and Red Dead Redemption maps combined. Factor in all the vehicles and beautiful looking scenery and there is no surprise the game requires a massive install on the Xbox 360 and PS3.
2. Pilots Apply for GTA 5 Takeoff
This isn’t the first time GTA lets players fly a plane, but in GTA 5 gamers will find a bigger selection of planes and helicopters. In the GTA 5 gameplay footage we also see a lot of planes in the multiplayer setting, including military planes.
3. GTA 5 Is Packed Full of Games
If you need a break from the violence and exploration of GTA 5, take a trip to a tennis court of golf course and relax. Rockstar shows off two mini games that let players get a fix of Virtual Tennis and Tiger Woods without leaving the game. No word on if there is a Rockstar Table Tennis game hidden away too.
4. Mission Planning Offers Choices
Forget the structured missions of GTA 4 and other open world games which too often force players to perform stupid actions to move the plot along. In GTA 5, gamers can pick how to pull off heists and missions. While there will be limits, the trailer shows that players can go smart and quiet or loud and violent.
5. Customize Cars and Clothes
In GTA 5 players can customize a lot. From the looks of the GTA 5 trailer, gamers that spent hours customizing cars in Need for Speed games will have something to love as the game lets users customize wheels, paint and more. Players can also pick out clothes for a custom look, rather than picking between a suit and track pants.
6. Destructible Environments Look Amazing
The GTA 5 gameplay video shows a wall crumbling when the trio of miscreants smash an armored car into it. GTA games already offer some destruction in the environment, but it looks like GTA 5 ups the game considerably.
7. GTA 5 Multiplayer Should Be Crazy Fun
Rockstar teases GTA 5 multiplayer in a few seconds of the gameplay footage, promising a better look soon. Based on the teaser, GTA 5 multiplayer looks like a massive world full of players driving, flying and causing havoc. We can’t wait to see how it turns out.
8. 3 Players Means Triple the Fun
GTA 5 comes with three main protagonists and while you can’t kill your co-conspirators, you can jump between them at will when not in a mission. This allows players to jump between lives and settings to explore and have fun in the shoes of various people. During missions, players can switch when needed, to aid the other players, pulling off mor complicated plots than before.
9. Splurge or Gamble With Your Cash
When you take your part of the heist home you can spend it on weed and tattoos or choose to buy real estate and stocks. Investments can pay off, offering more cash for your needs, or tank like in real life. Rockstar calls fast cars and tattoos the smart investments.
10. Scuba Diving Offers a Bigger World
Once you’ve explored everything topside, take a dive to explore the depths of GTA 5 in a wetsuit. We’re sure there will be a few missions that involve diving, but players should also be able to go exploring in the ocean.
11. GTA 5, Now With Hunting
That’s right, no need to by Cabela’s Most Dangerous Hunts to get your fix of hunting on the Xbox 360 or PS3. Players can head to the wilderness outside of Los Santos to hunt, and as the trailer teases be hunted. We see a deer, but expect to see more in the wilderness.
12. GTA 5 Includes a Submarine
This isn’t part of the gameplay trailer, but it’s worth pointing out that there is a small submarine in GTA 5. With a lot of water to explore, we can’t wait to take the sub out for a spin around the bay.
13. Driving No Longer Looks Like Mario Kart
The driving in GTA 5 is brand new, and from the gameplay footage it should be more enjoyable. Driving in GTA 4 is worse than Mario Kart with drifts and sloppy steering throughout, Rockstar claims things are better and the video shows spectacular driving.
14. Shooting and Picking Weapons Won’t Suck
Rockstar delivers a new way to pick your weapon in GTA 5 and new shooting mechanics that look fluid and fun, rather than clunky and frustrating. Gamers can quickly switch between weapons with a new menu option and shooting looks vastly improved.
15. Bounty Hunting Side Missions
In GTA 5 players can pick up extra cash playing bounty hunter. The trailer shows Trevor cashing in a bounty at a trailer home in the middle of a desert. This should deliver fun diversions from the main heists
Grand Theft Auto V Minimum System Requirements:
Operating System: Windows XP SP3 or Windows Vista SP1 or Windows 7 SP1
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.6 GHz or equivalent
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Video Card: 512MB Nvidia 7900 or 512MB ATI X1900
Hard Disk Space: 35 GB free space
DirectX: 10.0
Minggu, 14 Juli 2013
Dm_BurningHall Final Edition
This is Final Edition Map of burning hal
Project by ,Dwi Sevenfoldism ,Rizky Mangaka Indo ,Fadli Koesmayadi
Fix Error by ,Kel'thuzad ,Fadli Koesmayadi
Compile by Fadli Koesmayadi
to Download :
Enjoy The Maps Gan !! :D
Download Map Mini Indonesia untuk CS & CZ
Map Mini
Indonesia untuk CS & CZ. inilah yangg di cari beberapa orang di
dunia maya. map ini jarang sekali yang punya. saya ini dapat dari cs federation ... udah gk sabaran ya... ok dah langsung sedot gan :D.
Map by : 007Ripper
Download : Klik here to download the Maps
thanks :
CS Federation
Hope you are enjoy guy's !! :D
Map by : 007Ripper
Download : Klik here to download the Maps
thanks :
CS Federation
Hope you are enjoy guy's !! :D
Download Maps Crackdown untuk CS & CZ
Map yang satu ini, memiliki tempat yang sangat kecil dan biasanya di gunakan dalam mode deathmacth. namun, di map ini hanya bisa sedikit bermainya. yaitu 4 vs 4. bagi yang tertarik silahkan download di bawah ini.
Credit :
Building & Wad:
-Sesa11jr (Muhammad Akbar)
Models,Fix & Compile :
-Fadli Koesmayadi,S.St.
Models & Environment:
Special Thx 4 originals Textures:
Langsung aje, jangan cuma download, tetapi budayakanlah berkomentar
Fadli Koesmayadi
Klik here to Download !!!
Selasa, 02 Juli 2013
Free Download Dota 2 Offline
Download Dota 2 v. 511 Offline Full Version Free - Dota could be a competitive game of strategy and action, played each professionally and parenthetically by many enthusiastic fans worldwide. Players choose from a cluster of over a hundred heroes, forming 2 groups of 5 players. Radiant heroes then fight their Dire counterparts to manage a gorgeous fantasy scenery, waging campaigns of sly, stealth, and outright warfare.
Unbearable colorful on the surface, Dota could be a game of infinite depth and complexity. Each hero has an array of skills and capabilities that combine with the skills of the allies in surprising ways, to be certain that no game is ever remotely alike. This can be one of the reasons that the Dota phenomenon has continued to increase. Originating just like a fan-made Warcraft 3 transformation, Dota was an instant underground hit. After coming to valve, the original community developers have bridged the gap to a more inclusive audience, so that the rest of the world will expertise a similar core gameplay, other then when using the level of polish that as a general rule only valve offers.
More Screenshot :
System Requirements:
Minimum System Requirements:
* OS: Windows® 7 / Vista / Vista64 / XP
* Processor: Pentium 4 3.0GHz
* Memory: 1 GB for XP / 2GB for Vista
* Graphics: DirectX 9 compatible video card with 128 MB, Shader model 2.0. ATI X800, NVidia 6600 or better
* Hard Drive: At least 2.5 GB of free space
* Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card
Recommended System Requirements:
* OS: Windows® 7 / Vista / Vista64 / XP
* Processor: Intel core 2 duo 2.4GHz
* Memory: 1 GB for XP / 2GB for Vista
* Graphics: DirectX 9 compatible video card with Shader model 3.0. NVidia 7600, ATI X1600 or better
* Hard Drive: At least 2.5 GB of free space
* Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card
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Mediafire 28 Part :
Dota 2 Mega Modification Patch
Hope this artikel usefull you all !!
Enjoy :D
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